from hvac.api.system_backend.system_backend_mixin import SystemBackendMixin
[docs]class Wrapping(SystemBackendMixin):
[docs] def unwrap(self, token=None):
"""Return the original response inside the given wrapping token.
Unlike simply reading cubbyhole/response (which is deprecated), this endpoint provides additional validation
checks on the token, returns the original value on the wire rather than a JSON string representation of it, and
ensures that the response is properly audit-logged.
Supported methods:
POST: /sys/wrapping/unwrap. Produces: 200 application/json
:param token: Specifies the wrapping token ID. This is required if the client token is not the wrapping token.
Do not use the wrapping token in both locations.
:type token: str | unicode
:return: The JSON response of the request.
:rtype: dict
params = {}
if token is not None:
params["token"] = token
api_path = "/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap"
[docs] def wrap(self, payload=None, ttl=60):
"""Wraps a serializable dictionary inside a wrapping token.
Supported methods:
POST: /sys/wrapping/wrap. Produces: 200 application/json
:param payload: Specifies the data that should be wrapped inside the token.
:type payload: dict
:param ttl: The TTL of the returned wrapping token.
:type ttl: int
:return: The JSON response of the request.
:rtype: dict
if payload is None:
payload = {}
api_path = "/v1/sys/wrapping/wrap"
url=api_path, json=payload, headers={"X-Vault-Wrap-TTL": "{}".format(ttl)}