IAM Authentication
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.iam_login()
Static Access Key Strings
Various examples of authenticating with static access key strings:
import hvac
Boto3 Session
Retrieving credentials from a boto3 Session object:
import boto3
import hvac
session = boto3.Session()
credentials = session.get_credentials()
client = hvac.Client(), credentials.secret_key, credentials.token)
EC2 Metadata Service
Retrieving static instance role credentials within an EC2 instance using the EC2 metadata service (the EC2 auth method is probably a better fit for this case, which is outlined below under EC2 Authentication):
import logging
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import hvac
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def load_aws_ec2_role_iam_credentials(role_name, metadata_url_base=EC2_METADATA_URL_BASE):
Requests an ec2 instance's IAM security credentials from the EC2 metadata service.
:param role_name: Name of the instance's role.
:param metadata_url_base: IP address for the EC2 metadata service.
:return: dict, unmarshalled JSON response of the instance's security credentials
metadata_pkcs7_url = '{base}/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/{role}'.format(
logger.debug("load_aws_ec2_role_iam_credentials connecting to %s" % metadata_pkcs7_url)
response = requests.get(url=metadata_pkcs7_url)
security_credentials = response.json()
return security_credentials
credentials = load_aws_ec2_role_iam_credentials('some-instance-role')
client = hvac.Client()['AccessKeyId'], credentials['SecretAccessKey'], credentials['Token'])
Lambda and/or EC2 Instance
import os
import hvac
def infer_credentials_from_iam_role(iam_role):
on_lambda = 'AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME' in os.environ
if on_lambda:
return os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], os.environ['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN']
security_credentials = load_aws_ec2_role_iam_credentials(iam_role)
return security_credentials['AccessKeyId'], security_credentials['SecretAccessKey']
access_key_id, secret_access_key, session_token = infer_credentials_from_iam_role('some-role')
client = hvac.Client(), secret_access_key, session_token)
Caveats For Non-Default AWS Regions
I.e., calling hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.iam_login()
with a region argument other than its default of “us-east-1”. For additional background / context on this matter, see the comments at hvac#251 and/or vault-ruby#161.
The following code snippets are for authenticating hosts in the us-west-1 region:
In order to authenticate to various regions, the AWS auth method configuration needs to be set up with an “endpoint URL” corresponding to the region in question. E.g.: “” in the case of this example. Vault defaults to an endpoint of “” if not configured with a different endpoint URL.
import boto3
import hvac
VAULT_ADDR = os.environ["VAULT_ADDR"]
client = hvac.Client(url=VAULT_ADDR)
# One-time setup of the credentials / configuration for the Vault server to use.
# Note the explicit region subdomain bit included in the endpoint argument.
session = boto3.Session()
creds = session.get_credentials().get_frozen_credentials()
EC2 Authentication
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.ec2_login()
EC2 Metadata Service
Authentication using EC2 instance role credentials and the EC2 metadata service
#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging.handlers
import os
import hvac
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VAULT_URL = os.getenv('VAULT_ADDR', '')
VAULT_CERTS = ('/etc/vault.d/ssl/bundle.crt', '/etc/vault.d/ssl/vault.key')
TOKEN_NONCE_PATH = os.getenv('WP_VAULT_TOKEN_NONCE_PATH', '/root/.vault-token-meta-nonce')
def load_aws_ec2_pkcs7_string(metadata_url_base=EC2_METADATA_URL_BASE):
Requests an ec2 instance's pkcs7-encoded identity document from the EC2 metadata service.
:param metadata_url_base: IP address for the EC2 metadata service.
:return: string, pkcs7-encoded identity document from the EC2 metadata service
metadata_pkcs7_url = '{base}/latest/dynamic/instance-identity/pkcs7'.format(base=metadata_url_base)
logger.debug("load_aws_ec2_pkcs7_string connecting to %s" % metadata_pkcs7_url)
response = requests.get(url=metadata_pkcs7_url)
pcks7 = response.text.replace('\n', '')
return pcks7
def load_aws_ec2_nonce_from_disk(token_nonce_path=TOKEN_NONCE_PATH):
Helper method to load a previously stored "token_meta_nonce" returned in the
initial authorization AWS EC2 request from the current instance to our Vault service.
:param token_nonce_path: string, the full filesystem path to a file containing the instance's
token meta nonce.
:return: string, a previously stored "token_meta_nonce"
logger.debug("Attempting to load vault token meta nonce from path: %s" % token_nonce_path)
with open(token_nonce_path, 'rb') as nonce_file:
nonce = nonce_file.readline()
except IOError:
logger.warning("Unable to load vault token meta nonce at path: %s" % token_nonce_path)
nonce = None
logger.debug("Nonce loaded: %s" % nonce)
return nonce
def write_aws_ec2_nonce_to_disk(token_meta_nonce, token_nonce_path=TOKEN_NONCE_PATH):
Helper method to store the current "token_meta_nonce" returned from authorization AWS EC2 request
from the current instance to our Vault service.
:return: string, a previously stored "token_meta_nonce"
:param token_meta_nonce: string, the actual nonce
:param token_nonce_path: string, the full filesystem path to a file containing the instance's
token meta nonce.
:return: None
logger.debug('Writing nonce "{0}" to file "{1}".'.format(token_meta_nonce, token_nonce_path))
with open(token_nonce_path, 'w') as nonce_file:
def auth_ec2(vault_client, pkcs7=None, nonce=None, role=None, mount_point='aws', store_nonce=True):
Helper method to authenticate to vault using the "auth_ec2" backend.
:param vault_client: hvac.Client
:param pkcs7: pkcs7-encoded identity document from the EC2 metadata service
:param nonce: string, the nonce returned from the initial AWS EC2 auth request (if applicable)
:param role: string, the role/policy to request. Defaults to the current instance's AMI ID if not provided.
:param mount_point: string, the path underwhich the AWS EC2 auth backend is provided
:param store_nonce: bool, if True, store the nonce received in the auth_ec2 response on disk for later use.
Especially useful for automated secure introduction.
:param kwargs: dict, remaining arguments blindly passed through by this lookup module class
:return: None
if pkcs7 is None:
logger.debug('No pkcs7 argument provided to auth_ec2 backend.')
logger.debug('Attempting to retrieve information from EC2 metadata service.')
pkcs7 = load_aws_ec2_pkcs7_string()
if nonce is None:
logger.debug('No nonce argument provided to auth_ec2 backend.'
logger.debug('Attempting to retrieve information from disk.')
nonce = load_aws_ec2_nonce_from_disk()
auth_ec2_resp =
if store_nonce and 'metadata' in auth_ec2_resp.get('auth', dict()):
token_meta_nonce = auth_ec2_resp['auth']['metadata'].get('nonce')
if token_meta_nonce is not None:
logger.debug('token_meta_nonce received back from auth_ec2 call: %s' % token_meta_nonce)
logger.warning('No token meta nonce returned in auth response.')
return auth_ec2_resp
def get_vault_client(vault_url=VAULT_URL, certs=VAULT_CERTS, verify_certs=True, ec2_role=None):
Instantiates a hvac / vault client.
:param vault_url: string, protocol + address + port for the vault service
:param certs: tuple, Optional tuple of self-signed certs to use for verification with hvac's requests
:param verify_certs: bool, if True use the provided certs tuple for verification with hvac's requests.
If False, don't verify SSL with hvac's requests (typically used with local development).
:param ec2_role: str, Name of the Vault AWS auth backend role to use when retrieving a token (if applicable)
:return: hvac.Client
logger.debug('Retrieving a vault (hvac) client...')
if verify_certs:
# We use a self-signed certificate for the vault service itself, so we need to include our
# local ca bundle here for the underlying requests module.
os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
vault_client = hvac.Client(
vault_client = hvac.Client(
vault_client.token = load_vault_token(vault_client, ec2_role=ec2_role)
if not vault_client.is_authenticated():
raise hvac.exceptions.Unauthorized('Unable to authenticate to the Vault service')
return vault_client
authenticated_vault_client = get_vault_client()
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.configure()
Read Config
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_config()
Delete Config
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.delete_config()
Configure Identity Integration
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.configure_identity_integration()
Read Identity Integration
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_identity_integration()
Create Certificate Configuration
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.create_certificate_configuration()
Read Certificate Configuration
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_certificate_configuration()
Delete Certificate Configuration
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.delete_certificate_configuration()
List Certificate Configurations
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.list_certificate_configurations()
Create Sts Role
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.create_sts_role()
Read Sts Role
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_sts_role()
List Sts Roles
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.list_sts_roles()
Delete Sts Role
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.delete_sts_role()
Configure Identity Whitelist Tidy
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.configure_identity_whitelist_tidy()
Read Identity Whitelist Tidy
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_identity_whitelist_tidy()
Delete Identity Whitelist Tidy
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.delete_identity_whitelist_tidy()
Configure Role Tag Blacklist Tidy
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.configure_role_tag_blacklist_tidy()
Read Role Tag Blacklist Tidy
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_role_tag_blacklist_tidy()
Delete Role Tag Blacklist Tidy
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.delete_role_tag_blacklist_tidy()
Create Role
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.create_role()
Read Role
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_role()
List Roles
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.list_roles()
Delete Role
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.delete_role()
IAM Login
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.iam_login()
EC2 Login
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.ec2_login()
Read Role Tag Blacklist
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_role_tag_blacklist()
Read Identity Whitelist
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.read_identity_whitelist()
List Identity Whitelist
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.list_identity_whitelist()
Delete Identity Whitelist Entries
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.delete_identity_whitelist_entries()
Tidy Identity Whitelist Entries
Source reference: hvac.api.auth_methods.Aws.tidy_identity_whitelist_entries()