Seal Status
- Client.seal_status
Read the seal status of the Vault.
This is an unauthenticated endpoint.
- Supported methods:
GET: /sys/seal-status. Produces: 200 application/json
- Returns:
The JSON response of the request.
- Return type:
import hvac
client = hvac.Client(url='')
print('Is Vault sealed: %s' % client.seal_status['sealed'])
Example output:
Is Vault sealed: False
Is Sealed
- Seal.is_sealed()[source]
Determine if Vault is sealed.
- Returns:
True if Vault is seal, False otherwise.
- Return type:
import hvac
client = hvac.Client(url='')
print('Is Vault sealed: %s' % client.sys.is_sealed())
Example output:
Is Vault sealed: False
Read Seal Status
- Seal.read_seal_status()[source]
Read the seal status of the Vault.
This is an unauthenticated endpoint.
- Supported methods:
GET: /sys/seal-status. Produces: 200 application/json
- Returns:
The JSON response of the request.
- Return type:
import hvac
client = hvac.Client(url='')
print('Is Vault sealed: %s' % client.sys.read_seal_status()['sealed'])
Example output:
Is Vault sealed: False
- Seal.seal()[source]
Seal the Vault.
In HA mode, only an active node can be sealed. Standby nodes should be restarted to get the same effect. Requires a token with root policy or sudo capability on the path.
- Supported methods:
PUT: /sys/seal. Produces: 204 (empty body)
- Returns:
The response of the request.
- Return type:
import hvac
client = hvac.Client(url='')
Submit Unseal Key
- Seal.submit_unseal_key(key=None, reset=False, migrate=False)[source]
Enter a single master key share to progress the unsealing of the Vault.
If the threshold number of master key shares is reached, Vault will attempt to unseal the Vault. Otherwise, this API must be called multiple times until that threshold is met.
Either the key or reset parameter must be provided; if both are provided, reset takes precedence.
- Supported methods:
PUT: /sys/unseal. Produces: 200 application/json
- Parameters:
key (str | unicode) – Specifies a single master key share. This is required unless reset is true.
reset (bool) – Specifies if previously-provided unseal keys are discarded and the unseal process is reset.
migrate – Available in 1.0 Beta - Used to migrate the seal from shamir to autoseal or autoseal to shamir. Must be provided on all unseal key calls.
- Type:
migrate: bool
- Returns:
The JSON response of the request.
- Return type:
import hvac
client = hvac.Client(url='')
Submit Unseal Keys
- Seal.submit_unseal_keys(keys, migrate=False)[source]
Enter multiple master key share to progress the unsealing of the Vault.
- Parameters:
keys (List[str]) – List of master key shares.
migrate – Available in 1.0 Beta - Used to migrate the seal from shamir to autoseal or autoseal to shamir. Must be provided on all unseal key calls.
- Type:
migrate: bool
- Returns:
The JSON response of the last unseal request.
- Return type:
import hvac
client = hvac.Client(url='')